Thursday, September 22, 2016

Welcome to the Galarious Goods Blog

Welcome! Come on in. Grab a cup of tea or coffee and sit for a chat.

While I can't offer you a real life cup of tea or coffee from my spot here behind the computer, I can tell you a little bit about what I hope to offer through this blog. In the coming months and years, I hope to offer interesting posts about teaching, books, teaching about books, teaching government, maths (or math) investigations and other teaching related goodness.

I hope you'll come along, comment, share, use ideas in your classroom or just ponder on them for a little while.

A little note - I'm an Australian blogger, so some of my terminology will be Australian. It's very possible that you'll read about maths rather than math or centimetres instead of inches. However, I'll try to provide 'translations' where required, and I promise not to use too much Australian slang!

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