Frequently Asked Questions

You're selling what?

Digital resources for teachers. Think about all those fabulous teaching books, filled with ideas, activities and texts for students. Turn them into a PDF (or other digital form) and you have a digital resource.

Why are digital resources better than those shiny books?

Well, they're a bit easier to carry to begin with. You can keep them on your computer, hard drive or flash drive rather than carrying the book around. Fitting hundreds of resources on one flash drive is definitely lighter than carrying hundreds of books!

You can also print out only what you need - great for your copy and printing budget and great for the environment.

Another benefit is being able to back up your digital resources - much harder to lose that way!

Where do you sell your resources?

Through an online marketplace called Teachers Pay Teachers. This is a pretty remarkable space which hosts resources in all subject areas for all grades!

Why Teachers Pay Teachers?

There are so many benefits for buyers at Teachers Pay Teachers. Easy to purchase with PayPal or credit card. Easy to search. Easy to go back and download resources again if you need them. A great preview system. And have you seen the credit system? You get credits - which equal discounts - every time you leave reviews and ratings on products you've bought

Can I share your resources with everyone I know?

No, with a little side of yes. The copyright on the resources mean they should only be used by one teacher or in one classroom (so one teacher can use them for multiple years or in multiple classes or one class with 2 teachers can share a resource). However, you can purchase multiple licenses for your teaching friends - and they're half price. It's a great way for your teaching team to buy a resource at discounted prices.

Have any more questions? Let me know in a comment, over at Facebook or by emailing me

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